It’s a good look into opposing views, which I have had a hard time gauging in New York. I’m presenting the entire email chain here, not to ridicule anyone or push one candidate over the other, but to offer a glimpse into what’s driving some people to make their choice.
To protect my family's anonymity, I replaced everyone’s name with characters from The Office. The names are randomly selected so don’t try to read into any meaning behind why I picked who. (I’m Toby, by the way.)
From: Toby
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 9:04 AM
Subject: Everyone safe?
Just wanted to know if everyone is out of harm’s way, especially any family members in Houston.
Also, a glimpse at who could be our VP... (it’s pronounced “nu-cle-ar” not “nu-cu-lar”)
From: Stanley
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 9:31 AM
Subject: RE: Everyone safe?
Phyllis called Jan and she said that Michael doesn’t want to evacuate because he still have some business meeting at TI. I really don’t get it.
Are you not a Palin supporter?? did you hear her said Nu-cu-lar? I can’t really tell. may it is just an Alaskan’s accent
From: Toby
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: Everyone safe?
My friend Dwight isn’t evacuating either. What the heck? It’s a freaking hurricane!
Only if Incorrect is a regional accent of Alaska. Ok, I’m picking on Palin, but I’m more concerned about her not even knowing what the Bush Doctrine is. I think a potential Vice President (and possible President if McCain kicks the bucket) should be a bit more informed on current political policies.
That’s just me.
From: Oscar
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 9:45 AM
Subject: RE: Everyone safe?
Go Obama!
From: Stanley
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 10:01 AM
Subject: RE: Everyone safe?
Ok!! what does Obama know??? Everybody can said “CHANGE” Even Andy and Ryan when they were 2 yrs old and got a dirty diaper
From: Toby
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: Everyone safe?
Analyzing “change” as per specific policy topics:
“Change” as per Obama’s overall political ideology:
Comparing Obama and McCain’s stances on each issue:
Obama’s DNC speech transcript:
If you’re inclined to find out really indepth (I let Jim borrow this, ask him if you want his take):
What stood out in Obama’s speech for me in particular was his proposal for us to become totally 100% independent from the Middle East in 10 years. That’s a bold, ambitious, TANGIBLE stance he just made. But it’s similar to JFK’s goal to land on the moon before the end of the decade in the 60’s. It seemed impossible at the time, but he set the bar and sometimes you need a definitive deadline to propel you to achieve something. And Obama’s plan doesn’t include raping the natural wildlife refuge in Alaska for a 9 month supply of oil.
Oil and energy have been dictating our foreign policy for way too long. It’s a main cause for why the entire Middle East hates us, why we have to succumb to whatever Saudi Arabia wants, why automakers can’t put out a completely gas-independent vehicle. Even though GM successfully created a viable, economic, 100% electric car YEARS AGO. ( – watch and be appalled.)
Look, each politician will spew out rhetoric and every news agency will be slanted. Look at both sides and judge for yourself.
From: Stanley
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 11:22 PM
Subject: RE: Everyone safe?
Obama is wishy washy on several issues.
Strategic Petroleum Reserve
Would suspend buying oil for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Said during an August 4, 2008, speech that the U.S. should sell 70 million barrels of oil from the reserve for less expensive crude oil. Earlier this year, Obama said he did not think the country should use the strategic oil reserves “at this point.” He said on July 7: “I have said and, in fact, supported a congressional resolution that said we should suspend putting more oil into the strategic oil reserve, but the strategic oil reserve I think has to be reserved for a genuine emergency.”
Offshore drilling
Previously was against lifting federal government restrictions on offshore drilling, but appeared to modify his position in an August 1 statement that supported a bipartisan legislative effort that would expand offshore oil drilling. Part of the statement read: “I remain skeptical that new offshore drilling will bring down gas prices in the short-term or significantly reduce our oil dependence in the long-term, though I do welcome the establishment of a process that will allow us to make future drilling decisions based on science and fact.”
I see a lot of big empty promises that sounded good but I think will NEVER materialize.
From: Toby
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: Everyone safe?
No denying that Obama has shifted his stance on issues, but McCain’s no saint on flip-flopping either:
Pot calling the kettle black.
It’s partly the nature of politicians to shift their views, whether it’s for good reasons (like having new insight or information that they previously didn’t) or for less virtuous reasons like to appease fickle voters and constituents.
A strong, decisive leader is great, but it’d also be nice to have someone who could rectify a mistake instead of plowing ahead without acknowledging that he/she was wrong (a la Bush and WMDs).
Stanley, sounds like you’re pretty much pro-McCain, which I’m fine with if you’re informed and making a decision on what you think.
Everyone of us should vote. Just please don’t vote based on superficial issues like b/c Obama’s black, Palin’s a woman or McCain’s a vet.
I personally am willing to take a chance on “change” in a spirit of optimism that hasn’t been portrayed in politics in so very long. I’m not saying that Obama couldn’t be a spectacular disaster. But after what we’ve had with Bush, I’m willing to take a gamble. Maybe it’s because I’m younger and don’t have a family to support; I can be a bit more reckless with my views. But this country was not born out of “playing it safe”. Men like Abraham Lincoln, Ted Roosevelt, JFK would’ve never had a chance in the White House if people didn’t have hope.
From: Creed
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: Everyone safe?
i believe this Great Country is run by a bunch of IDIOTS, not PATRIOTS they say anything to get your votes
From: Jim
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: Everyone safe?
Jan told Pam last night that they were going to ride out the storm. If you ask me, it’s too big a risk to take (Katrina was a good lesson).
As for my political view, my military background might be bias but I am pro-McCain (Toby and I already had lengthy discussion about our candidates. I told Toby that Obama is an excellent speaker but he has not really done anything that shows he’s ready for the job. The economy has up and down cycles, so my real concern is terrorism which can turn this country up side down. I don’t think Obama is up to the task. Sarah Palin brings a breath of fresh air to the good-old-boy, business-as-usual Washington. She said in her interview energy independent will make our country safer and more prosperous; I couldn’t agree more. That said, vote for what you believe in.
May the best team win in November. Good to the see the enthusiasm about the future of this country.
You all have a nice weekend and check on Jan.
From: Stanley
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 2:34 PM
Subject: RE: Everyone safe?
I just don’t see how a person without much experience in the political scene can do what he said he going to do. Does he realized that what he said in the White House if he get elected won’t be the final words? Again, What have Obama done to prove that he can lead this country? If you said that he has aides or advisors than all he is is a puppet.
Just because Bush is a screw-up doesn’t make McCain one and Obama is playing that card to get more votes.
McCain has more grit than Bush will ever dream of having any at all.
Like you said, vote for who you think is best for the your research.
From: Toby
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: Everyone safe?
If McCain has such a lack of faith in politicians who lack experience, he shouldn’t have nominated Palin as a running mate. There’s no proof that McCain would be any more effective in pushing his agendas through the legislature any more than Obama. Abraham Lincoln took office with roughly the same amount of “experience” as Obama and he fared pretty well under arguably more dire circumstances. Not trying to directly compare Obama to Lincoln, just trying to illustrate that we really don’t know how anyone will deal with the immense pressures of such a strenuous job like the Commander in Chief. McCain could also fold under the burden. I can’t predict that for sure, no one can.
As for advisors, where are the accusations that Obama would become a puppet to them? Again, I’ll reference Lincoln, because he’s a hero of mine and I’ve done a fair amount of reading on him. Lincoln’s cabinet was comprised of more experienced, more popular, more educated politicians who each believed that they could eventually mold him to their own agendas. What happened was they ended up respecting Lincoln and working towards the same, unselfish goal of preserving the country. If you were in a leadership position, wouldn’t you seek out the most intelligent, qualified people to advise you? Or would you appoint yes-men who’s only job is to smile and nod at whatever you say?
Biden was a shrewd move for Obama because Biden is a seasoned senator who HEADS the Foreign Relations Committee and shores up areas that are perceived weaknesses in Obamas resume. Palin offers nothing in experience and her views mirror McCain’s own, thus offering nothing to round out his administration’s ideology.
Uncle Creed is right that they’ll say ridiculous things and slander the opponents (short of accusing the other of eating babies) in order to get in office. They’ve laid out many lofty ideas, and there’s no realistic way they could achieve all of them. But those ideas are a starting place, and my views align more closely with Obama’s, particularly an aggressive reform on our energy policy.
I never made a direct correlation of McCain to Bush. I don’t think it’s a valid argument. I agree McCain has more grit than Bush. I was just referencing GW to illustrate that someone should be able to adjust their stance on an issue as circumstances develop and change.
A good soldier doesn’t necessarily equate to a good president.
From: Stanley
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 3:47 PM
Subject: RE: Everyone safe?
Things work differently in Lincoln’s time than now plus Lincoln has strong characteristic and less material gain influences than Obama.
I agreed that you would want to have the best people around you but you must also be able to stand on your own like Lincoln did. I don’t think Obama has it.
Biden was one of Obama’s critic and now he is his running mate? Bringing him on board is like paying him off, looks like the same old Washington way rather than “change”
It’s been fun but I am running out of things to write and probably doesn’t make much sense.
From: Toby
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: Everyone safe?
I agree, I only started this email to make sure everyone’s safe from the wraith of mother nature.
But I have to say that saying that Obama “paying Biden off” with the VP nomination is ridiculous. All through U.S. history presidential nominees pick someone in their party to run with. Primaries pit people on the same team against each other to determine the best (kind of like Gladiator). The people vying for the nomination would ideally be the cream of the crop in your party so of course your candidates are most likely from that pool of competitors. Picking Hillary would’ve seemed like paying her off. When a winner emerges, you bury the hatchet and pool together for the greater good. Hopefully that’ll happen when we pick a president.
Now if McCain had crossed party lines to pick Hillary, THAT would’ve been change.
Have a good weekend everyone!
From: Stanley
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 4:10 PM
Subject: RE: Everyone safe?
you just want to get the last word in. I read Obama bio in Wikipedia and it sounded very impressive but he probably paid someone to write it...JK
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